


  • esball世博百年校庆活动


2021年初的世界与2020年初的世界大不相同.  With the dual scourges of the coronavirus pandemic and racial/social inequity issues - not to mention natural disasters and a radically divisive political environment - we must not forget and must learn from the lessons of 2020. 

esball世博中学到的一个重要教训是 纪念活动 - 设施改善和学费援助/捐赠增长 ——在新的环境中得到了加强. 

esball世博的学生想待在学校大楼里, 不是在线学习,也不是在家学习.  They want to see their teachers, their classmates, and friends in person, not over Zoom.  在学校里老师教得更好,学生学得更好.  然而,作为一所学校,我们也需要为未来潜在的危机做好准备.  所有这些都要求升级设施:更大的开放空间, 更灵活的学习环境, 更先进的教学设施.

同样,我们的有色人种学生和校友也非常清楚地表明 esball世博可以成为解决我们社会中种族/社会不平等问题的一部分.  我们还有工作要做. We need to create greater access and more opportunities for all students of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, 尤其是有色人种的学生.  We need to create partnerships in the broader community to create an encouraging and welcoming admission pathway for all academically qualified students, and to expand outreach to new areas and communities that are not traditional recruitment strongholds for Fenwick.  All of this argues for greater outreach and availability of tuition assistance today and in the future, 通过养老, 这样esball世博就能成为多元化的社会典范, 公平和包容的天主教教育.

的愿景和目标 纪念活动 五年前就经受过考验, but the past year has only solidified their importance to the future of Fenwick and those students we educate “to lead, 成就与服务.” 

我们也有很多值得庆祝的成功 纪念活动 在过去的五年里.  原可行性研究结论为 纪念活动 reads: “At this moment, we see a major-gifts campaign for Fenwick in the $12-$14 million range. 我们看到了更大的长期潜力, 然而, and believe… Fenwick will look back five years from now and see they have secured much more than $12-$14 million.”

回顾前五年,他们是对的!  一千两百万到一千四百万美元的预算侥幸通过了!  我们来庆祝一下吧!  但我们不能满足于已有的成就.  这是一场持续的战役,未来的修士需要你的帮助.  我鼓励你立即阅读下面的小册子, 来阅读这个网页的其余部分, 庆祝我们集体的成功, 去看看还有什么工作要做, 考虑一下你能帮上什么忙.

谢谢您的考虑.  这是一个光明的2021年,在你的支持下,继续取得成功 纪念活动.  愿上帝保佑你们和你们的家人以及整个esball世博社区.


Fr. Richard Peddicord, O.P.



仍然需要500万美元来完成第一阶段的筹资, 但随着去年夏天333号空间的完工,迈克尔·R. Quinlan ’62 Parking Center, construction of phase one of the facilities master plan is now complete!

按计划, t在这里 will be a break in construction activity for some time before proceeding to phase two and three of the facilities master plan.


  • 珍珠和安吉洛·马佐尼教堂的翻新

    "The first capital improvement during this Campaign was the restoration of the chapel the heart and soul of our school its original beauty and grandeur. 我们永远感激!"

    - Fr. Richard Peddicord, O.P. 总统
  • esball世博球场的建设

    "My teammates and I truly appreciate the generosity of the Fenwick Community for the turf field at the Priory. 它为我们提供了一个稳定的训练和比赛场地, but more importantly a place that has and will continue to allow us to make memories lasting a lifetime."

  • 迈克尔R. 昆兰62停车场中心

    “Safe, convenient, stress-free parking around Fenwick has been a problem for decades. 昆兰停车中心不仅为学生提供了更多的舒适和安全, it provides a more welcoming environment for the entire Fenwick community to visit and enjoy events at Fenwick.”

    ——Jerry Ruffino,运营总监


一直是百年纪念活动的一部分, 捐赠基金的增长和当前的学费援助在今天显得更加重要. The Fenwick community has not been immune to the economic and employment ravages brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Providing current and future tuition assistance to our students and families remains a priority of the 纪念活动 over the long term.
通过这些被命名的奖学金——两者都是“消耗品”,,提供当前的学费援助, 和“赋予,” which provide funds in perpetuity – Fenwick aims to provide our students and families the financial support they need to come to Fenwick, 留在esball世博, to provide the same opportunity to the students of today and tomorrow that was afforded to many of you. Financial uncertainty should not stand in the way of anyone receiving a Fenwick education.
Fenwick currently has nearly 15 “named” expendable scholarship funds that provide current tuition assistance and over 30 “named” endowed scholarship funds that provide tuition assistance in perpetuity. 建立一个可使用的奖学金基金需要50美元,000美元的承诺和捐赠奖学金基金需要100美元,000年承诺. 无论哪种方式, these funds are an ideal way to pay-it-forward to ensure that future students can access the transformative education and experience that many of you did.


对大多数人来说,绝大部分财富都在他们的资产基础——房子里, 退休账户, 非退休证券投资组合, 人寿保险, 等. ——而不是他们的收入流. 给 from one’s non-cash asset base generally has much greater tax advantages than donating cash. The simplest way to donate from your asset base is through a bequest in your will or trust. 赠送长期增值的股票是一种很好的、在今天可以省税的捐赠方式. 甚至还有办法为生活创造收入来源, 今天就享受税收减免, 给esball世博一份大礼.

遗赠, 慈善信托基金, 人寿保险, 退休资产, and the like – can play an enormous role in establishing or growing scholarship funds and/or Fenwick’s endowment. 对许多捐助者来说,留下10美元更容易,000 or $25,000 or $100,000美元的遗赠礼物比直接赠送的好, 例如. Planned gifts can significantly boost the principal amount of scholarship funds over time.

Documented planned gift intentions to Fenwick are recognized by the benefactor’s inclusion in the Bernacki Society. Over the past five years nearly 30 new benefactors have joined the Bernacki Society. We expect to continue to see excellent growth in the Bernacki Society during 百年纪念活动 and beyond. For more information about the benefits of planned giving and/or the Bernacki Society,请联系Chris Ritten, V.P. 促进机构发展: critten@usbhosting.com, 708-948-0350.


Donating a gift of appreciated stock rather than writing a check is a no-brainer; the tax savings can be substantial and can be passed on to both the donor and Fenwick.


  • esball世博总体设施规划




  • 第二阶段-百年增建

    • 21世纪的教室空间和会议区.
    • 新的音乐,合唱团和艺术空间.
    • 新的室内运动练习和训练场地.
    • 新的地面餐厅,厨房,学生会和地标入口.
  • 第三阶段:室内装修和外部装修

    • 现在的自助餐厅变成了一个能容纳250人的礼堂.
    • 现在的厨房变成了运动训练/健身区.
    • 用四边形创造校园般的感觉, 引人注目的拱门通往校园和景观, all in keeping with the collegiate Gothic style of architecture that elevates our students’ expectations.
这是esball世博的重要时刻. 鉴于你一直对esball世博的慷慨和信任, 卓越,领导,传统 esball世博百年校庆活动 will be successful and will ensure that future generations of Friars can enjoy the same academic rigor rooted in faith that the Dominicans have taught at Fenwick since 1929.  谢谢你!!

了解更多信息或有任何问题 百年纪念活动,请联系Chris Ritten, V.P. 机构进步: critten@usbhosting.com, 708-948-0350.
©2023esball世博. 版权所有.